Can a Christian have a demon? Jun 23, 2024

Can a Believer be beset by Demons?

Many denominations teach that it is impossible for a christian to be demonised or some part of their life controlled by demons. However, that does first mean...

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Don't Be The Steward Who Loses His Talent Feb 07, 2024

Hey Everyone,

We're super excited to share our latest video on stewardship, featuring Brother Mark! In this episode, we dive into scripture and uncover the true meaning of stewardship in the...

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Gospel Champions - have you joined yet spiritual growth Jan 08, 2024

Gospel Champions is for believers who want to grow in the Lord and have a much closer walk with Him.

The basic premise is that you read one gospel a day for the nest 400 days. This will...

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Exploring the Role of Supplements for Christ's Followers Nov 30, 2023

The question of whether or not to take nutritional supplements has been heavily debated in the Bible believers' community. While opinions on the matter can vary greatly, the Bible offers...

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Divine Wisdom and Food Supplements Nov 30, 2023

In the journey toward optimal health, many Bible believers seek guidance on the use of supplements from the wisdom found in the pages of the Bible. Let's explore what biblical teachings...

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Honoring God through Acceptable Exercise exercise health Nov 30, 2023

In the pursuit of physical well-being, let's explore exercise that aligns with biblical principles, honoring the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit

Walk in His Ways: Embrace the simplicity of...

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Embracing Biblical Principles for Physical Well-being exercise health Nov 30, 2023

In the sacred pages of the Christian Bible, the concept of caring for our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit resonates profoundly. As we embark on a journey toward physical well-being, let's...

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The Sacred Connections Between Water and Faith health hydration Nov 29, 2023

For Bible believers, water holds profound significance, from baptismal rites to the metaphorical references in biblical narratives. This exploration delves into the spiritual dimensions of...

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A Biblical Perspective on Hydration health hydration Nov 29, 2023

In the tapestry of life, water is the thread that weaves through every strand of our existence. As we navigate the chapters of our journey, we can find guidance on the importance of water and its...

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Biblical Viewpoint on Clean and Unclean Food food health Nov 29, 2023

In the complex weaving of religious doctrines, the Bible serves as a guiding light for millions, not only in matters of faith but also in practical aspects of life, including what to eat. The...

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Exploring the Spiritual Connection Between Bible Believers and Food food health Nov 29, 2023

In the intricate tapestry of Christ's followers' beliefs and practices, the intersection of spirituality and the act of nourishment reveals a profound connection that transcends the mundane. This...

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